Return to Waterdeep
Droop's Dragoons have returned to Waterdeep for another adventure.
Papers are required to enter Waterdeep
- We BS our way through and get a temporary pass. We have to go to City Hall.
- Captain of the Guard Leas Bittertide is a female tiefling
- We think she is an asshole
- She RLY RLY RLY does not like being confused for the city watch
- Sponf convinces the gate guard that Sponf is his child using ~mAgIc~. He goes to get her papers.
We set up at the Fireside Newt Bar & Tavern
- Gifford & Rotgrun go find an armourer
- Old deaf & mute elf
- Gifford drops his armour off for ... some purpose, will be ready in a day
- Identifies Rotgrun's Ring of +1 AC for entirely too much money
- Gifford is offended by this and they accidentally murder the elf
- Gifford raises dead and puts him right
- Come back in 2 days for the armour
- Kiera & Turu go to City Hall to try and get us papers
- I think they have to come back later to pick them up
- Diomedes ... i don't remember, goes home?
- Sponf waits for "Daddy" to bring papers
- Gifford & Rotgrun go find an armourer
Everyone goes to City Hall
- People are acting weird
- City Guard shows up and boxes us in
- Captain Bittertide says Kira is under arrest
- We ask her why
- She says she has orders
- We ask her why harder
- She says she has orders harder
- We call her a lawless cur
- She is not pleased but can't really argue
- Kira is arrested
We go to visit Kira in jail
- She is accused of stealing something from the Diamedes Family manor
- Diamedes is like uh no she didn't
- Bittertide shrugs
- Execution or she can be released to the Druid Circle rep Raedoff to go do druid-y things if the rest of the Dragoons help w/ something
- Bye Kira 😦
Droop's Dragoons are required to go into the sewers and hunt down a criminal
- Garreal Brightbane (I wrote it as "Bririn Daag"?) is wanted for manslaughter, theft, and impersonating officials
- Tu'rai the Bounty Hunter is assigned to us
- I have a note about the Catacombs of Yntaros but I have no idea what that means
Go into sewer
- Wander around
- Towards the dock/warehouse district, we find a criminal selling children
- We beat him up & Tu'rai takes him prisoner
- On the way out, we are attacked by Large Goblins and some drow
- As we leave the sewer, Tu'rai catches a drow's spear mid-air
Droop's Dragoons march Brightbane through Waterdeep shouting "shame" to the wrecking ball song
- Delivered to Captain Leas Bittertide at the prison
- We tell her about the drow & Large Goblins
- Brightbane is scared as hell about it, something about portals ...
- Not sure how serious Leas is taking any of it
We go see Diamedes' uncle at the the Waterdeep Inquirer
- Gifford working on an article about drow and Very Big Goblins coming out of the sewers to terrorize Waterdeep
Somebody tells us to watch out for the secret lords, gives us a list of people who could be
- We decide to roll with it
- Waterdeep Sanitation Commissioner is on the list
- Sponf and Rotgrun (I think?) go to his office & ask if he is a secret lord of Waterdeep
- While he's getting all upset with us and summoning some guards, Turu is doing ninja stuff and rappels into the room to steal his documents
- Turu is illiterate
- But she can read coded languages (lols?)
- We stole a list of employees who have disappeared in the sewers
Investigate some of the missing persons
- Clim Smallborrow home was given away to Old Lady Fenwick
- Smallborrows moved to the rich part of town
- We go knock on their door and find a lady who is pretending to have always lived here
- Turu finds her kids and they speak like poor people
- Tu'rai talks with a stablekeeper servant and they're all new
- Another family did not get paid off
- They thought the guy was just an idiot (he wasn't on good terms w/ fam)
- They are PISSED they did not get money
Gifford turns in an article for the Waterdeep Inquirer
- It'll go in tomorrow's edition
We go to Bertrude's Fine Clotheire to get masks for the ball
- Discount Wall of Lesser-than-Perfect Goods w/ mask selection
- Diamedes gets a gimp mask
- Rotgrun gets a bow tie
- Sponff gets a pinocchiot mask w/ poop on it
- We go back to get Droop a goblin mask
- We find a goblin costume
- Sponff gets a costume
- Pig
- Two buttholes
- Two breasts
- Large testicles
- Gifford wants some nice clothes to wear over his costume
Tu'rai meets Droop
- Droop is happy to be w/ the dragoons
We go buy Droop a tiny tuxedo
- Bertrude suggests the Watchful Order of Magis and Protectors (WOOMP)
- They have a tower
- We visit Blackstaff himself & ask him to enchant the tux
- He does it!
- School slogan: "Woomp. There it is. Go cats!"
- "What Do We Want: An Effective Civil Defense Force! Why Do We Want It? DROW!!!!"
- Names on the list of potential lords of waterdeep published:
- Deerstrag Dragonhand (?)
- Leas Bittertide's Dad (Piety Bittertide)
- Seafina GLorybuff (shipright)
- Gwenenive Duststone (merchant)
- Hamfo Tunnel (halfling landowner)
- Letholdas Mortingthol (owns taverns)
- Dora Bonski (wizard of WOOMP)
- Fabien Keenseeker (asst. of Dora Bonski)
- Latter Kegshaper (landowner / groundskeeper for graveyard)
- Serdor Kromlan (elf, bardic college head [part of WOOMP])
- Findel Orvanian (merchant)
- Peten Kromwell (head of agrigulcut for vogt)
- Ariel Wheatflow (head of trade shop unit)
- Joseph Farlight (finance dir)
- Pearly Drake (bank owner)
Castle Waterdeep has the ball area built into it
- Whole city is here
- TONS of city guard & watch here
- Pamphlets being given out to detail all the food & drink available, free masks,
- We submit a question to the Lords of Waterdeep: How do they respond to today's article in the Waterdeep Inquirer?
- Diamedes gets up on a cart and addresses the crowd
- WOOMP. There it is.
- Inside the party courtyard, there's all kinds of garden stuff.
- Tu'rai tries to find a way to get up top while Sponff distracts everyone but shoving Sponffs' mask in Sponff's butt
- Rotgrun lifts Sponff for some reason
- Tu'rai analyses if they can keep everyone locked up here
- Sponff has terrified the guards w/ Sponff's costume.
- We say hello to Bittertide and ask her about her dad
- ???????
- We say we saw him in the paper
- She says it's a BS tabloid
- "A tabloid that LITERALLY EVERYONE they're inviting into the keep has read"
- She's VERY upset
- We continue to antagonize her
- She's a paladin of the god of martyrdom...
- Lots of fooooooooood!
- Splits into team A (agitators) and team B (stealthers)
- They start drawing questions from the globe of questions
- Sponff Suggestions the farmer that Rotgrun gave money to so he =keeps creaming "WOOMP. THERE IS IS" at the lord
- Rotgrun calls out "THE FSRMER IS BEINGZ DETSINED FOR ASKING A QUESTION?" after they arrest him & announce more vetting on questions
- Our question is selected
- Council wants to know why they pulled our question 4 out of 6 times
- Diametes rigged it and tells them lol
- They want to create a civil defense force, have heard about Drow
- Have not heard about payoffs for sanitation workers
- They're not sure about paying us for the mission ...
- Diamedes sells the FUCK out of it w/ a 24 roll
- 150 g/d per head
- Tu'rai continues to spy after we leave
- Smuggler's Cove has been gentrified
- It's near Waterdeep
We have Droop file the paperwork to make it official
- Leral Silverhand signed a blank form that Droop proudly scribbles on 😃
- The party winds down but the Dragoons hang around and keep drinking
- Turu gets a lot of people together (long-nosed masks [penis] w/ flower masks, pairs sad masks w/ each other)
- Cross-class
- Pairs off 10 couples in 3 hours!
In the distance, we hear the Horn of Barthen blown
- Red masked dudes come in from outside, we've seen a few people wearing masks
- Two guards outside kill two people & lock the doors
- Sponff uses Fog Cloud at the enterance and it causes even more chaos
- Red masked people are attacking everything they can find
Gifford, Rotgrun go for the weapons locker
- Diomedes casts fear in 30' cone
- Absolute chaos reigns
- We obtain our weapons
8 red masks w/ a leader head towards us
- Commander is armoured (plate mail), removed his fancy clothes
- They have a robed dude too
Redmask attack force emerges from the fog in a cool manner as we roll for initiative
- Turai crosses dance floor and engaged
- Sponff does jazz hands and a huge heap of big black tentacles erupt from the floor inside the smoke cloud and goes to work on the redmask attackers
- Upsetting amounts of magic are being thrown around: Gifford throwing thunder around
- Their leader gets picked up by the tentacles
- Horn of Barthen sounds louder
- Sponff loots the weapons table and finds some Good Stuff (DM will roll it up w/ loot after)
- Door gets kicked opened by a masked man, he blows the horn of barthen
- Barthen is a necromancer now apparently, he raises a dead city guard to serve him
- Turai unleases a flurry of blows
- Sponff's flaming tentacles enter the sub-boss' body and consume him.
- Ebony tentacles slay some additional red masks
- Gifford talks w/ Barthen
- Fandolin burned to the ground
- Barthen was made aware of the Dragoons' reputation
- Dimaedes points out what we're known for binding and torturing our enemies before murdering them
- Turai to Barthen: "None of us are here raising the dead and killing innocents"
- Rotgrun: "ehhhh..."
- Turai: "None of us here are killing that many innocents."
- Sponff and Gifford consider banishing Barthen
- Turai asks why he's here
- Red Bandits want to stage a coup
- Horn means another threat is incoming
- Engaging in a philosphical debate about good and evil
- "What we did TO phandolin"
- There were two red-mask dudes w/ the Secret Lords when we met with them
- hm shit
- Something that /was/ an Ancient Dragon is coming
- it knows not to attack people w/ red masks
Gifford's plan: go back to help the Lords of Waterdeep & renegotiate our contract
- We cross the room, thanks to Gifford using a gust of wind to make a path
- Lords' Room is v.quiet
- One person (not in a red mask) is on the ground, dead.
- Stout dwarf, description of Later Kegshaper was a secret lord of waterdeep. RIP.
- One person (not in a red mask) is on the ground, dead.
- We go on top of the walls & see dragon fuckin around
Gifford & Turai both have red masks now
Dragon breathes a green cloud
- Viscous liquid drips from its mouth too, ew
- Dissolves stuff it hits
- A C I D
We save Open Lord Lereal
- Diomedes heals her
- THey got ambused by "two of their own" in red masks
- Doesn't seem open to giving us a ton of money to help w/ the undead dragon
Gifford sleet storms the dragon & knocks it out of the air
- Crashes into a rampart wall
- Droop's Dragoons send lord of waterdeep to rally her troops
- Droop's Dragoons charge the undead dragon.
- Diomedes throws javelin at dragon
- Leas Bittertide screams and runs out
- Rotgrun BERATES HER and tells her to get to fuckkin work
- She has a very magic maul
- She beats the shit out of the dragon
- When Diomedes finally charges in, she rolls a nat 20 to avoid the prone effect from sleet storm
- Gifford finishes the dragon with a lightning strike.
- It turns to dust & the dust shoots off. It's presumably a dracolich.
In the courtyard, we see fear & gasps of AWE
- Redmasks in disbelief
- THey start to disengage, flee & leave wounded people behind
- City guard persue to cut them down
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